Basic settings

Implement the transition function

You need to inherit the CellularAutmataExecutor class and implement the singleRun method.

public class GOLExecutor extends CellularAutomataExecutor {

	public DefaultCell singleRun(DefaultCell cell, List<DefaultCell> neighbors) {
       	DefaultStatus dead = new DefaultStatus("dead", "0");
       	DefaultStatus alive = new DefaultStatus("alive", "1");
		Long alives = -> item.currentStatus.equals(alive)).count();	
		DefaultCell toReturn = new DefaultCell(null, cell.getRow(), cell.getCol());	
		if (cell.currentStatus.equals(dead) && alives == 3) {
			toReturn.currentStatus = alive;
		} else if (cell.currentStatus.equals(alive) && (alives == 2 || alives == 3)) {
			toReturn.currentStatus = alive;
		} else {
			toReturn.currentStatus = dead;
		return toReturn;

Run the cellular automata

Here an example using a classic Java Main

public class Main {

	public static int WIDTH = 10, HEIGHT = 10;

	public static DefaultStatus dead = new DefaultStatus("dead", "0");
	public static DefaultStatus alive = new DefaultStatus("alive", "1");
	public static List<DefaultStatus> status = Arrays.asList(dead, alive);
	public static List<DefaultCell> initalState = new ArrayList<DefaultCell>();
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		initalState.add(new DefaultCell(alive, 1, 1));
		initalState.add(new DefaultCell(alive, 1, 2));
		initalState.add(new DefaultCell(alive, 1, 3));
		initalState.add(new DefaultCell(alive, 2, 1));
        CellularAutomataConfigurationBuilder configBuilder = new CellularAutomataConfigurationBuilder();
        CellularAutomataConfiguration config = configBuilder.setHeight(WIDTH)
                                                            /** ... */
		CellularAutomata ca = new CellularAutomata(config);
		GOLExecutor executor = new GOLExecutor();
		ca =;