About Me
I’m a computer scientist (M.Sc in Computer Science), skilled in cloud-based architectures, enterprise applications and team leading. I study and develop new projects in different computer science fields like IoT and Artificial Intelligence.
Currently, I’m Chief of Internal Software Factory in TIM S.p.A, the largest Telco company in Italy.
I play guitar and swim
Work experiences
I have + years of experience on the IT field and I worked with 15+ different teams. I worked with bank, insurance, healtcare and Telco companies for numerous projects using and designing microservices-based architectures, cloud-native solutions and enterprise applications. My skill set includes Java, Node.js, Python, Angular, Kubernetes, Openshift, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku, Git and more.
I have a M.Sc. in Computer Science defended at University of Calabria.
My M.Sc thesis work included the study of natural phenomena simulated by a Cellular Automata, whose performance was improved by GPGPU Programming using CUDA (pdf here).
I studied for 6 months abroad, thanks to the Erasmus+ Exchange Program provided by the EU. I worked with a research team of the AGH University at Krakow during my thesis implementation.
- Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I)
- MongoDB Basic Cluster Administration
- Functional Program Design in Scala
- Functional Programming Priciples in Scala
- Machine Learning
Full resume
- No available yet –> Here the resume in pdf.
- Manuale del Software Developer - A manual for software developers, written during my experience as Tech Lead.
- Save Your Time - An Android application for monitoring app usage
- JCAL - Java Cellular Automata Library - A simple library for implement easily Cellular Automata using Java. Warning –> Alpha release
- Genetic Algorithm illustration live execution - A simple genetic algorithm written in Python. The aim is to reconstruct a particular given string.
- Conway’s Game of Life - The cellular automata Game of Life (some refs) implemented in AngularJS
- Vita da fuori campus - Non technical personal blog
Dismissed project
- Italy Covid19 —> The complete dashboard for tracing italian pandemic data of Covid19 - repositories on github
- Pong —> The most famous retrogame in the world - repositories on github
- Pong - Multiplayer —> The most famous retrogame in the world. You can play, face to face, with your friends thanks to the multiplayer feature - repositories on github